Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Little Getaway

Hubby and I are so blessed that although we have only seen my parents about 24 hours this summer, they have whole-heartedly supported us in the decision to take a little getaway for just the two of us while we are here in Michigan.

My parents are keeping both Lexie and Lloyd while Hubby and I escape to northern Michigan for two nights.

While I am less than excited to go on another car ride, I think the trade off is going to be worth it.  Chris has never seen the northern part of Michigan, and we will soak up this rare summer time together.

I am not sure if I will blog while we are away.  If I do, it simply means that I had the time and wanted to document things that happened immediately.  If I don't, it simply means that I didn't have the time and other things took priority over my time.

Hubby and I do have some specific things we are going to be praying about and discussing  during this time away, and so please support us in prayer as we go before God with some specific things on our minds.

Northern Michigan, here we come!

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