Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gratitude: Day 11

As I am writing this post today, I am not feeling very grateful.  I am telling myself how fortunate I am for so many things in my life -- including this summer of working like a dog following immediately by the school year of back-to-the-grind.  I am listing my blessings for myself to try to buck myself up and increase my level of gratitude, but today, it is not working.

Today, I am grateful that I can come to my Lord when I am not grateful.  I am grateful that I am cast all my cares onto the Lord, and He does not judge me for my momentarily (or sometimes longer) lack of gratitude.  I am grateful that I have nothing to hide from my Comforter and Keeper, because He knows every word that is on my tongue before it gets there.

Today, I am so grateful for my Savior, my Brother, my Friend, my Deliverer, my Rock, my Comforter, my Defender, my Almighty God, my Everlasting Father.

As I am typing that, I am reminded of a song, that I love, and haven't sung at church in such a long time.  It's call and response between men and women, which I LOVE, You Are Holy (Prince of Peace) by Michael W. Smith.

During the refrain, the woman sing the following... such beautiful words, and an even better sentiment:

You are Lord of Lords, You are King of Kings,
You are Mighty God, Lord of Everything,
You're Emmanuel, You're the Great I AM,
You're the Prince of Peace who is the Lamb,
You're the Living God, You're my Saving Grace,
You will reign forever, You are Ancient of Days,
You are Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,
You're my Savior, Messiah,
Redeemer and Friend,
You're my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for you.

That is what I am grateful for today.

 10 days down; 10 to go!

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