Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Treasuring the Present: Success on the Leash

Lloyd and I have had a tumultuous journey of learning to use a leash.  We attended Puppy Obedience School together for six weeks and learned about cues, expectations, trainings and methods of walking a dog on a leash.

The thing is, I've never really been a walker.  I've definitely never been a dog-walker.  I run.  Even when I'm completely out of shape and haven't run for months -- I at least jog... I don't really walk.

The thing is, when Lloyd and I started out with our time on the leash... he was constantly tugging... so I thought if we were running, things would go better... the result was my sprawling on my face across the sidewalks several times as Lloyd tripped me and I couldn't react in time because I was running.

Well, I am thrilled to report, several months later, that we have been on two successful 2.5 mile walk/runs around our neighborhood WITHOUT anyone tripping or falling!

Today was SUCH a beautiful day (56* and sunny) and Lloyd and I had a wonderful walk.  I really took the time to treasure this afternoon when I could come home from work, send my hubby a text saying I was going out with the dog, and head out with our puppy.  It felt wonderful to be outside on the beautiful afternoon, and get some exercise, and spend time with our wonderful dog.  I'm sure there will be times when I cannot just head out for a walk with the dog at a moment's whim... but today I could.

And for as much as both Lloyd and I enjoy our exercise outside, my heart is so full when we get home, and Lloyd is fed, and I am clean, and he lays on top of my legs and peacefully sleeps.

*BONUS* -- Not only is Lloyd asleep on my legs and I can feel his heart beating on my foot... but Lexie is curled up on CHRIS' pillow instead of mine!  She hasn't slept on his side of the bed since we've been married!  This is such a perfect moment!

What are your treasuring today?

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