Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mind Over Matter

I'm planning on running a 5K race today.

I'm not really in, what I could call prime 5K race-running shape at the moment... but I'm pretty sure I can hack it.

I went to look at the race course yesterday, and it is 1.5 miles uphill and then 1.5 miles back downhill.

The race is at 3:00pm -- what kind of race starts at 3:00pm?  I know of races that start at 5:00am or 6:00am or 8:00am or 10:00am... but a half uphill race that starts at 3:00pm?  I'm worried about this race.

I keep telling myself that this is a case of Mind Over Matter, and God Over All.  :-D

I'm not looking to break any records tomorrow... just one foot in front of the other to that 1.5 mile turn around, and then enjoy that 1.5 mile run downhill.

Please keep me in prayer tomorrow.  I really want to do this, and Chris will be at an Elk Banquet (the Elk are honoring hunters who didn't get an elk this season... LOL)...

Mind Over Matter - I want to do this, my body is capable and strong, with the Lord's help, I CAN DO THIS.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

How are you challenging yourself today?

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