Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Letters: End of the Ski Season

  • Dear TurboFire,  You are I are doing well together... although my legs are jello at the moment.
  • Dear Vail, One more weekend to enjoy skiing and then you're closed for the season... welcome Mud Season.
  • Dear Friday, I'm so glad you're here.  We really need to meet more often, although I probably appreciate you more because you come around infrequently.
  • Dear Grad School, I am so close to being done with you, I can TASTE IT!  The freedom of May is eminent... I even took Lloyd for a walk this week -- that hasn't happened since last fall... the freedom is coming.  I am so inspired to finish up the last assignments so I can BE FINISHED!!!
  • Dear July Practicum Placement, Where are you going to be?  Please, Lord, provide my July placement and PLEASE tell me ASAP!!!!
  • Dear Food Club, The April theme is BACON... you're not going to be great for my diet.
  • Dear Hubby, I love you.  I miss you every day when we're both at work.
  • Dear December, What is going to be Hubby and my new celebration and reward for getting through 2013?
  • Dear Hands, You are WAY TOO dry at the moment... must remember to carry lotion with me - and USE it all the time.
  • Dear Students, You really do keep me on my toes.  Thanks for the variety for life.
  • Dear To-Do List, You are really really really long.  I'm trying to stay on top of you, but you're just really really long... and some parts of you are only half in my control.

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