Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I cry after work meetings
Always: At least I don't cry during the work meeting
Sometimes: I eat or drink in an effort to control my life because there is so much I cannot control in my life
Always: I wish I would abstain from eating and drinking to control my life... so far, no luck
Sometimes: I want take new mothers and people grieving a nice dinner
Always: I'm never really sure how to deliver dinner... am I supposed to cook it first and deliver it ready to serve?  Am I supposed to leave it uncooked and have them bake it?  Am I supposed to cook it and move it to a freezer-safe container so they can heat it up and eat it when they want to?  I just don't know.
Sometimes: It annoys me that, in my work car, I have to get gas about once a day
Always: I'd rather get gas then run out of gas
Sometimes: I look to the future with a great sense of hope, joy, and anticipation
Always: I know my future is in God's hands
Sometimes: I look toward the future with a great sense of dread and trepidation
Always: I know my future is in God's hands
Sometimes: I look at cars with out-of-state license plates along I-70 with great disdain -- what are they doing passing taking up space along my daily 90-mile commute?
Always: I was already in a bad mood that day they annoy me
Sometimes: There is only one cure for a hard 12+ hour day...

Always: My animals remind me I'm still the Mama, and my job isn't over when I get home...

 What is Sometimes and Always the case in your world?

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have such a long commute!
    About the meals - ask the mother what they prefer. I've given and gotten meals in all different forms.


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