Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Many Adventures of Lexie and Lloyd

Life, these days, at our little home revolves around Lexie and Lloyd.

Their schedules, feedings, outings, play times, cuddle times and trainings have me feeling like a busy momma these days.

Most of the adventures around our house revolve around Lexie and Lloyd continuing to get used to one another.  Progress is certainly being made and prayers are being answered day by day, but our lives still more closely resemble Wild Kingdom rather than Milo and Otis.

Originally, Lexie chased Lloyd around the house.  Soon after realizing that Lexie doesn't have claws and her hissing doesn't hurt, Lloyd began chasing Lexie around the house.

Lexie still frequents the high places around
REALLY high!
These days, not much chasing occurs... and even more hissing occurs because they are learning to share common spaces -- like the floor... and our bed.

Yes, we are horrible parents who let both the dog and the cat sleep on our bed.  I'm not sure how this happened -- he is NOT allowed on any of the furniture or downstairs, and he knows these rules -- but Chris and I caved in no time about the bed.

It's so nice and cozy with everyone in bed -- and Lexie and Lloyd are successfully sharing the space.

Little by little, we're becoming a family
In the above picture, it was one of the first time they were both on the bed.  As time has gone on, Lexie has figured out that if she slips under the covers, right next to me, Lloyd doesn't even know she's there.

There are times I have Lloyd sprawled over my legs, Chris leaning his head on my shoulder and Lexie under the covers on my stomach.  I feel so loved and so much like "The Mom."  That being said, no children for awhile for this household as this mom (and space in the bed) is spent!  There's no room for anything else clinging to Mom!

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