Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Baking Saturday

Here are some images of my Saturday spent baking Christmas treats.

Lloyd likes to help... especially when I'm baking with peanut butter.  In the below pictures, he's cleaning my measuring cups after I'd added the peanut butter.

 I baked Buckeye Balls.

I baked White Chocolate Drop Cookies.

and I tried a new recipe this year called Chocolate Mint Brownie Bites from The Pioneer Woman.

Here is a picture of HER Mint Brownies

 None of my Brownie Bites looked like hers... or least photographed like hers.  But some were better than others... here are the "good ones"

Then... there were some disastrous ones... they still taste great, but they look like a toddler helped me, which would be okay if a toddler helped me... but a toddler didn't help me.

Finally, I made some chocolate-covered pretzels... because there was some extra melted chocolate... Hubby helped me with this part of the Christmas baking.

Some people will be getting some homemade yummy gifts from us next week... :-D

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1 comment:

  1. That looks SO amazing!! I wish I was one of the people receiving some of those sweets :)


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