Friday, February 19, 2016

The Impending Smiles...

Usually a baby smiles for the first time around six weeks of age.

I will never forget Tracey Ann's first smile.

She was six weeks old to the day, and she was my first baby.  I had been with this tiny baby for the past six weeks, everyday, all day -- all night, anything this baby needed, I had taken care of her.

She was six weeks old, and we had spent the whole day together... and Hubby got home from work, and came over to greet us... and Tracey Ann looked straight up at him and smiled.

It was a slight blow to my new motherly self.  
 Her first smile was at her Daddy.

Now we have two new little ones... and then are six weeks old - seven weeks as of today... and two impending first smiles... who's going to get them?

Those little smiles are still just waiting to come out... and I am hoping beyond hope that at least one of the twins will reserve his or her first smile for me, the Mama.

Stay tuned for these impending smiles.

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