Thursday, February 12, 2015

Treasuring the Present: Still Nursing

Here is my treasuring the present... Thursday, instead of Tuesday.

I am still nursing Tracey Ann.  She is more than twelve months and two weeks, and nursing is still a very big part of our daily routine.

While I plan to nurse her as long as she needs, or as long as I am able, I confess, I am beginning to think about life post-nursing... but I am also stopping myself mid-thought because I want to cherish this beautiful time as long as I can.  Tracey Ann will not nurse for the rest of her life, but she and I are so blessed that I've been able to breastfeed and that we share this beautiful bond that she still gets milk from me.

Not to mention, breastfeeding is SOOO convenient.

She still feeds early in the morning -- around 4am, and last thing before she goes to sleep at night-- around 7:30pm, and a few times in between.  It is not at all lost on me how much more complicated my life is going to become when she is no longer nurses.  Let's see -- do I want to awaken to a crying baby at 4am, put her in bed next to me and let her nurse while I snooze... or do I want to go to awakened to a crying baby at 4am, stumble to  the kitchen to sleepily, and clumsily assemble a bottle while she gets more and more upset about the delay.  Um, I'll take "nursing in bed" for another month, please, Alex.

Also, I love that Tracey Ann still feels so safe and secure and cared for in my arms and through this kind of nourishment.

If you're an expectant mother, don't be afraid of the struggles of breastfeeding.  The best things in life are hard... and this prolonged method of feeding is incredibly worth it.

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