Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Perfect Moments

Last night, after feeding, my baby girl got the hiccups.  We finished her 9 o'clock feeding and she was wide-awake.  But instead of handing her off to my parents or husband so I could jump into bed and get a few hours of sleep, I simply snuggle her up in a blanket and held her as long as she would let me.  She sucked on her pacifier, looked me in the eye, played with her hands a little, and rested quietly in my arms.

 How lucky and I and how perfect was this moment I just got to cuddle my beautiful, perfect, little two-week-old daughter?

The sleep I haven't gotten, emails I haven't sent, and thank you notes I haven't written all took a backseat to this beautiful moment -- these minutes with my little hiccuping daughter.

I am truly the luckiest woman in the world.
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