Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Perfect Simple Night

Sunday night was the perfect night.  The perfect simple night.

Some nights are filled with momentous events -- fancy dinners, wedding receptions, parties, family reunions.  Others nights are simple, and in their simplicity, they are perfect.

Last Sunday night was the most amazing night.

My parents were in town for the weekend and, in almost snow-day-like fashion, they realized Sunday night that they needed to stay with us an extra day.  They had planned to leave on Monday, but Sunday afternoon, it was decided that they would stay until Tuesday.  All of us were able to relax a little more Sunday night, knowing that my parents were not leaving on Monday -- it felt like the night before a snow day.  Adding to the relaxed feeling was the fact that Monday was a holiday for my early morning school district.  While most Monday's, I'm on the road at 6:00am, this Monday, I didn't have to leave as early.  Everyone was feeling relaxed and happy.

We all enjoyed elk burgers and healthy french fries that my wonderful Hubby cooked... and then the oven broke -- like, although the oven was turned off, but was actually heating up so hot that it melted aluminum foil.  Thankfully, Hubby was right there to notice that the stove was rising in temperature and he was our Hero and handle the dangerously hot oven swiftly and safely.

Then, we all settled in to watch the movie, "My Cousin Vinny" -- the language is horrible, but the movie is hysterical.  At one point we were laughing so hard that we woke Tracey Ann, who was already in bed asleep.  So, then she stayed up playing, enjoying the family movie night with her grandparents while we watched the rest of the movie.

The night was just perfect -- the sound of my parents laughing, the sight of my baby girl playing at their feet, the knowledge that my Hubby is a great cook, and a domestic hero... and I was basking in the joy of it all.

The evening was so simple, and yet the evening was so perfect.

Thank you, Lord, for this perfect simple night.

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