Saturday, November 22, 2014


Loving:  The holiday season, and knowing that Hubby and I get to experience the entire season and magic and miracle of Christmas as parents this year, for the first time.

Reading/Watching:  Books and shows by the Duggar family -- the family from 19 Kids and Counting.  I listen to their books on Audible while I drive (there are 3), and I record their tv shows so I can watch them when I have time.  I have really been encouraged and motivated by their story and how they live their lives.

Trying to:   Live in a more joyful, loving, grateful manner.  I have two graduate degrees... but neither one is in being a good wife or mother.  I'm trying to love my husband, and care for my daughter better and better every day.

Wishing:   For all the things on my "grow-up Christmas list"

Excited for:  A lifetime with Hubby and Tracey Ann... I want a beautiful life where Hubby and I have many stories of wisdom developed through trials, and God's faithfulness through struggles.

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