Sunday, March 16, 2014

I Hate This Post

I really did not want to write this post, which is one reason I'm posting it on a Sunday because I think people keep up with blogs less on the weekends than week days.

Today, I am writing for some accountability in working out and weight loss.  Tracey Ann is seven weeks old and the first 25 pounds came off IMMEDIATELY -- like within two weeks of birth.  The second 20 pounds have been much more inclined to stick around than I would prefer.

I know it took nine months for my body to grow to its eventual size, and it will take more than six weeks for my original size to return... but I'm getting impatient.

All that to say, I have begun my postpartum workout routine, T25 from Beachbody.  Hubby gave me this routine for Christmas, at my request, because I was hoping it would become my post-baby fitness routine.  This workout routine is 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 10 weeks.


I think this is going to be a good fit for me because I can squeeze in a full 25 minute workout even with Tracey Ann.  Sometimes I do it when she's napping, and sometimes she sits in her little bouncy seat, and my jumping around makes the seat vibrate.  This is also a good plan for me because I am notorious for keeping a good workout routine Monday-Friday but totally slacking on the weekends.  With T25, I am allowed the weekends off!!  :-D

Also, I have 11 weeks left until school is out for the summer... and, 20 pounds of pregnancy weight still hanging around will make my summer tough -- both in not liking how I look, and not fitting back in my wardrobe.

So, one week down, nine to go.
Five workouts down, forty-five to go.
Two-and-a-half pounds down, seventeen-and-a-half pounds to go.

I will keep you posted.

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