Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Smile...

Our baby girl gave us her first smile yesterday.
We haven't captured it on camera yet, but we were SO excited to see her smile for the first time.

And, yes... you guessed it.

After six weeks (six weeks exactly) of my rushing to my baby's beckon call (or cry),
six weeks of never being away from Tracey Ann for more than an hour,
six weeks of exclusive breast feeding,
six weeks of few showers, and many changed diapers,
six weeks of silly songs, and funny voices,
six weeks of learning everything I can about my beautiful baby girl...
her first smile was at her Daddy.

Tracey Ann and I were together all week, and on Friday, after Daddy was gone all day, he came home and greeted his beautiful girl... and, while laying in my arms, she looked right up at him... and smiled.

I am very excited for when she smiles at ME for the first time... but I am really glad that Hubby and I got to see her first smile together.

Our baby girl is growing up WAY too fast.

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