Monday, August 7, 2017

No Longer Babies

I really love the blog and facebook family from Story of This Life.  Each week she holds a giveaway and she asks for people to comment on her picture for a chance to win something.  Yesterday, she said she looked at her three-year-old (who's about two months older than Tracey), and she just couldn't believe what a grown-up little girl stood where her baby used to be.  Then she asked for pictures of our babies who are no longer babies.

I quickly created two picture collages and posted them in the comments with the hopes of winning... but really to just take a minute and acknowledge that what she observed is so true.  My babies are no longer babies.

Even my twin babies are no longer babies... which is why it is so wonderful that I am expecting another baby because I really do have a house full of little children, and they're not babies any longer.

My oldest baby... who is not a baby.

My youngest babies... who are not babies.

Where did my babies go?

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