Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sons and Daughters

For the past two-plus years, Hubby and I have LOVED having a daughter.  Having a baby girl has been my dream-come-true, and Hubby is SUCH a great dad to our little girl.  

Sure, he hopes to take her hunting and fishing, but he is such a wonderful Daddy to her little girl heart.  He tells her all the time how beautiful she is and notices her pretty dresses.  Ever since the day she was born, he has been a hands-on dad no matter how girly the task, and it makes me love him more every time I see it.

I have gotten used to seeing him as a great dad to our little girl.

Then, we were blessed with our second little girl... AND our first little boy.

It took a few weeks for me to notice, but Hubby definitely treats our son differently from our daughters.

With Caroline, he still says the same sweet, gentle, Daddy things that he has always said to Tracey Ann... but with Howard, he often takes a much more masculine tone.

He often calls Howard "Dude" or "Buddy" -- and I call him "Buddy" too, but its in a much cuter voice than Hubby uses.  Hubby says "Buddy" in the same voice that I would say the name, "Butch."

When Howard was about a month old, Hubby was changing his diaper and I overheard Hubby say, "Dude, I'm sorry, this stuff is all up in your junk," in the most masculine voice I had ever heard.

I started laughing so hard, not only because my husband had just said this to our one-month old... but because, in all the things I have heard him say as a father in the past two years, I had never heard my husband say anything like that.

The truth is, Hubby and I will raise our sons and daughters differently.  We will have very similar rules, expectations, consequences, and more... but our son is a boy, and our daughters are girls and their hearts and minds and spirits require different things from us, as their parents.

Hubby's statement to our boy was very comical... but also a very real reminder to me that we now have a little boy -- something with which I have no experience, and having a son is going to be different than having a daughter and will require different things of me, as a mother than I have experienced before.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that made me laugh! I also talk to Sullivan in a very different tone than Jon does, and it is different than how we speak with Ellery.


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