Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Salt Lake Children at Chic-Fil-A

This past weekend, Tracey Ann, Hubby and I went to Salt Lake City because a good friend of mine from college was in town on business.  I will write about our weekend tomorrow, but for this post, I just want to take a minute to discuss how wonderful the families and children in Salt Lake City are.

Yes, I know, that is a wide generalization... but, the children and families we met while we were there were wonderful.

On Monday before we headed home, we met my friend for a late breakfast/early lunch at Chic-Fil-A.  We like supporting the Chic-Fil-A company, and they always have a children's play area where Tracey Ann can wander around.  It is not the biggest play area -- in terms of fast food play area real estate, McDonald's gives kids a four-story Play Mansion, Chic-Fil-A provides kids a modest two-story play area.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Tracey Ann was the only child in the play area and so she explored the toddler area, but then, with Hubby's help, adventured into the big-kid area and climbed up the structure to the tube slide and slid down.  She was SO proud of herself and soon began doing that route -- up the stairs, down the slide, by herself (and the climbing and slide were completely enclosed, so we felt good about her safety).

As the day progressed, and the time grew closer to lunch, more and more children were in the play area.  By the time we were done eating, there were easily a dozen children in the play structure between the ages of 1 and 9 (I would guess).  I was very nervous about Tracey Ann going back in because I didn't want her to get trampled, as has nearly happened in other playgrounds with more space and less children in other cities.

These children, in the Salt Lake City Chic-Fil-A were amazing.  Probably due to the fact that there are many Mormons in Salt Lake City, and large families are common, these children were beyond considerate of Tracey Ann as she climbed and slid on the structure.  There were older girls who made a point to look out for her, and there were older boys who made sure to slow their pace when they were playing near her.

At one point, Tracey Ann was coming down the tube slide, and as she got to the bottom, she stood up and slowly made her way to the opening.  Once she finally emerged, the opening of the slide became a clown car -- easily seven girls poured out of the slide behind her one after another after another.  These girls were backed up in the slide behind Tracey Ann, and the did not rush her at all.  They stayed packed up in the tube slide until she took her time and walked out.  Once she was safely out of the slide, they tumbled out like clowns.

I have never seen such respect shown to her in any play setting anywhere in her life.  It was such a joy to watch her play with these children, and I have to believe the children have such respect for toddlers because they have younger siblings and cousins and have been taught by caring parents to respect their younger siblings.  Younger toddlers are not people to push out of the way or fail to notice until you trample them and they cry... they are little people who are watching and learning from you, the older children, how to treat other people.  When you, the big kids, treat them well, they will learn to emulate your behavior.

It was enough to make me want to move to Salt Lake City... or at least remember this lesson and hopefully teach my children to have the same respect for others in the future.

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