Thursday, September 5, 2019

Where We Are

So, I've been leaving out a pretty big part of our lives lately.  For the past three-four weeks, we have been in a hold pattern regarding the health of Hubby's grandmother.  About a month ago, we were told that her health was declining rapidly and she would be passing away soon.  We were given timelines ranging from a few hours to a few weeks.

Well, she did pass away, surrounded by loving family, last Sunday, September 1.

So, late last night we arrived in St. Louis to spend time with Hubby's family and to attend the visitation and funeral service.

This will be our children's first real exposure to death, in that this is a person they have grown to know over the years, and Tracey, Howard, and Caroline are old enough to understand the reality that this person died -- went to Heaven-- and we will not see this person again, ever on Earth.  

They all know that Great Grandma went to be with Jesus, and they can name other people who are with Jesus, and they will tell you that one day they will die and be with Jesus... but this will be their first exposure to the cultural ritual of a funeral, burial, and family gathering. 

Please keep us in prayer over these next few days.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Hubby's Grandma, Holifield. 

She and Grandpa had been married over 71 years...

 Taken just this past summer, surrounded by 10 of her 13 great grandchildren.

 I snapped this picture last summer when Great Grandma told Tracey several times that she (Grandma) would be going to heaven soon, and Tracey very calmly and confidently told Grandma that she (Tracey) would be going to heaven too... so they would see each other again.  It was incredibly beautiful.

 Summer 2019

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