Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Preggers V: 32 Weeks

How far along?  32 weeks, 3 days
Pictures taken in Colorado Springs -- I'm not a fan of the overhead lighting but at least I remembered to take the picture.
 32 Weeks with Tracey

32 Weeks with the Twins

32 Weeks with Baby Number 4
How I am feeling? 
Honestly... pregnant.  I'm feeling like I should be getting near the end and knowing that I have two more months is a little overwhelming sometimes.  I've noticed I'm more emotional this week, and I think I am getting easily discouraged.  I know it won't last... but this week its how I'm feeling.
How big is the baby?  The size of a squash... 16.6 inches, 3.75 pounds
Sleep: I love sleep.  I have been trying to steal extra sleep by not getting out of bed for my morning workouts... which is not good, but sleep is so wonderful and feels so rare.

Boy/Girl Predictions: Last night Tracey announced out of the blue that she knew the baby is a boy... this is after she spent all day talking about how she wants only sisters.

Baby Nicknames: Baby
  Best moment this week: We had fun at the North Pole as a family... but honestly, the best moment of the week might be every night when I get to read some of a Little House on the Prairie book to the kids and then GO TO BED.

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular.
Missing:  My usual level of energy.
Movements:  Yes, and I love them.  Last week the baby had the hiccups, and Tracey was able to feel the consistent hiccups... the twins tried to feel, but still say they can't really feel anything.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.

General Attitude: Like I'm in the home stretch.  I want to pack my hospital bag, and I need to sort through the kids' clothes because they have WAY TOO MANY.  I need to decide what stays for hand-me-downs, and what can go... and I need to do that before I can really prepare for the baby... but I just don't know when I will be able to do it.  By the way, can I just take a nap?
 What I am looking forward to this week:  Having a better week than last week.  Last week the kids were really hard.  I think it might have been almost a full-moon hangover, but this week is going to be better.

Milestones: Thirty-two weeks means I can deliver in Glenwood, which is always a good milestone when you live where we do in the mountains.

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