Sunday, September 1, 2019

If I Could Keep You Little

One of my favorite internet families posted a new video yesterday to the poem, "If I Could Keep You Little."

I had never heard this poem... and I'll be honest, I don't struggle with wanting my children to stay little.  I don't want to rush to their growing up either... I just feel so blessed watching them grow up into the healthy, loving, curious, amazing people they are becoming.  I don't want them to stay little.  I don't want them any older than they currently are.  I really feel like I do pretty well cherishing exactly where they are for the time they are that age.

That being said, this was such a beautiful video.

Most especially, the family has three children the exact ages of our three pregnancies up until this fourth one.  Their youngest is two months younger than Lee Lee.  Their middle child is about four months younger than the twins, and their oldest child is two months older than Tracey.  This is such a beautiful picture of exactly where our children are right now and how amazing the parenting journey is as they continue to grow.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did.

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