Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tracey and PEO

We are still adjusting to life with our oldest in kindergarten, a transition made more difficult by the fact she was in school two weeks, then had labor day weekend, then one day back to school before we pulled her out of school three days to travel 2000 miles to and from St. Louis for a family funeral.

We are still learning a lot about the rules and regs of the school, family expectations, student expectations, and our own routine in this new school environment. 

Well, during her second week of school, Tracey was picking out her school clothes for the next day, and said, "Oh, Mama... I want to pick a special outfit for tomorrow.  Tomorrow I have PEO."

PEO is an International Women's Organization of which both my mother and I are members.  Tracey knows about PEO because I attend monthly meetings, help organize social events, support fundraisers, and it is commonly discussed around our house and with my mother.  PEO is something Tracey has heard about her entire life.

When I heard that she had "PEO" the next day, I didn't correct her and tell her I was sure her school did not have a PEO chapter... I just said, "Okay, Sweetie, that's awesome," and let her go on picking her clothes.  For all I knew, our little leader had organized her own PEO meetings with her friends -- that would be our little Tracey Ann.

So, she carefully picked out a special outfit, and then chose a hair bow, and then chose a necklace.  While making these careful choices, she repeated several times that she had "PEO" tomorrow.

Then, she suddenly stopped, with two necklaces held in mid-air.  She looked at me and said, "Oh.  Wait. ... ... I have PE tomorrow."

That was such a special moment as my oldest was so excited for PEO... and then realized on her own that PE (Physical Education Class) might be something a little different. 

We then had to discuss wardrobe and the fact that there is a different dress code for PE than PEO. 

While my children are very familiar with workouts and the importance of exercise -- they really have never heard the term "PE" before.  "PEO" on the other hand -- that they hear about ALL THE TIME!


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