Friday, September 8, 2017

The Easiest Days

I'm mostly recording this story so that I don't forget it because I think its really funny now... but I think I will find it even funnier in the future.

A few weeks ago, I attended a PEO sisterhood event where we all brought our husbands.  It was so much fun, and since my particular group of PEOs is pretty new (less than a year old), it was the first event with husbands and wives.

I am one of the younger members of the group and one of only two members with such young children (ie. children still in diapers).  During the course of our evening, some of my sisters were asking questions about my pregnancy.  Most of their children are older and so they are now in a different stage of life than my husband and I are.

One particular sister, asked if this was going to be our fourth child, which I confirmed that yes it is.  She said that she and her husband had four children.  She then went on to tell me that she thought the hardest stage was when they all had to be at a different activity, in different locations, at the same time.

I said that yes, that sounds difficult.  I said that in some ways I look forward to the kids being in school because I will get a little break at home, but that in other ways, I'm sure things will stay crazy but in a different way.

She went on to tell me that she really thinks I'm probably in the easiest days right now while all our kids are so young and at home and that it will only get harder as they get older.

I told her that if she ever wanted to swing by our house to give herself an "easy day" in my shoes, she was welcomed to do so.

My other sisters who overheard our conversation burst out laughing hysterically.

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