Saturday, April 24, 2021

Preggers VI: 36 Weeks

 How far along?  

36 weeks, 3 days

 36 Weeks with Tracey

35 Weeks with the Twins because they were born at 36 weeks exactly, and I never took a last picture

36 Weeks with Lee Lee

36 Weeks with Hunter

How I am feeling?  
Feeling well.  I'm definitely tired at the end of the day, and ready for EVERYONE to crawl into bed... I'm usually ready for bed before anyone else.

How big is the baby?  
The size of a papaya -- 18.7 inches long, 5.73 pounds

Sleep is glorious.  Some nights I am only up a few times and other nights it seems like every time the baby kicks I need to use the restroom again.  I just keep remembering we're really in the final weeks and days of pregnancy, and before I know it, I will be up during the night to feed a newborn.

Boy/Girl Predictions: 
No predictions but I'm really getting excited to find out when the baby is born!

Baby Nicknames:  

  Best moment this week
I had a friend over yesterday who I haven't seen (in person) in several years, and it was SOOO nice to catch up in person.
Food cravings:  
Nothing in particular.
Missing a house free of construction.
Yes, and I really love them.  I will definitely miss feeling a baby move in my belly when I'm no longer growing babies... but to everything there is a season... and I feel so grateful that I've had the privilege of growing six babies and feeling them move during their time in my belly.
Labor Signs:  
Some contractions at the end of each day but certainly not any active labor.

General Attitude:  
I'm glad we're getting close to full term.  Lee Lee and Hunter didn't arrive until within a day of their due dates, so I could still have three plus weeks, but I will breathe a sigh of relief when we are officially full term (37 weeks) and it is safe to deliver any time.  I have plenty to do to keep me busy until the due date (but I can't help hoping that maybe we will meet this baby a LITTLE earlier than Lee Lee and Hunter came).

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
MY PARENTS ARRIVE and they are going to be a major help this week, which means I will have the chance to got A LOT of work done!!!  Also, there's a really good chance that construction will end this week.  An even higher chance than the last two times I've said it might happen...

I've officially carried Baby Number 5 longer than I've carried the twins.

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