Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Preggers VI: 35 Week

How far along?  35 weeks, 6 days

 35 Weeks with Tracey

35 Weeks with the Twins

35 Weeks with Lee Lee

35 Weeks with Hunter

How I am feeling?  
Well... ummm... pregnant?  I'm feeling slow but I feel like I need to be moving fast.  Everything from getting work done, to preparing for the baby, to preparing for my parents to arrive (they're coming soon to help), to keeping up with the children and animals -- I need to move quickly, but I can only move slowly.

How big is the baby?  
The size of a pineapple -- 18.1 inches long, 5.07 pounds

I love sleep... in pregnancy, the Mama is supposed to sleep on her left side, and I've actually been really good about that for the past five or so months.  Apparently something about the baby's size or position now, all I want to do is sleep on my right side (which you're not supposed to in pregnancy).  Either way, just about one more month, and then I can sleep in ANY POSITION I WANT!!!  That is a glorious moment I always look forward to on my first night after I birth the baby -- laying back to go to sleep on my back, or flipping over and laying on my stomach!  That is a beautiful feeling and I'm getting excited about it.

Boy/Girl Predictions: 
Boy or girl.

Baby Nicknames:  
Earlier this week Lee Lee purchased herself a new stuffed animal and I asked her what she was going to name it.  She told me that she was going to name her new stuffed animal, "Ella".  Then, she went right on and told me that we was going to name the new baby, "Arnesta".  I have no idea WHERE she heard that name, and I had to try to impress upon her that I was not naming our new baby "Arnesta."

  Best moment this week
Maybe getting the guest room ready for my parents and hanging up the pictures upstairs that I took down prior to construction starting.  It feels like home again to have those pictures back on the wall.
Food cravings:  
Peanut M&Ms

A construction-free house.
Very frequently.  I LOVE that this baby moves so much.  That is something I will definitely miss when I am no longer in my pregnant years.  But, to everything there is a season.  I am determined to enjoy the season of feeling baby movements as long as I'm in it.

Labor Signs:  
Nothing of note.

General Attitude:  
I will be glad when the baby comes so that I can stop working.  The baby can't come until my work is done... but goodness that will be nice to be able to stop working when the baby arrives.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
Maybe construction will end...?  Maybe my cleaning gal will come...?  I have some big work meetings this week that it will be SO nice to have finished.

My due date is in less than a month.

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