Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Preggers VI: 34 Weeks

 How far along?  

34 weeks, 5 days


 34 Weeks with Tracey

34 Weeks with the Twins

34 Weeks with Lee Lee

34 weeks with Hunter

How I am feeling? 
Well... less overwhelmed than I was a few days ago.  I'm feel READY for Construction to END -- but he can't leave this house the way it is, so I guess it has to continue until he's finished.  I re-organized the two upstairs closests over the weekend and that left me feeling a little better about the house... but I still have a TON to do once the construction ends.
How big is the baby?  
The size of a cantaloupe... 17.7 inches, 4.7 pounds (or a butternut squash according to the chart I made for the kids)

I love sleep.  Unfortunately, a family stomach bug has encroached upon my sleep this past week.

Boy/Girl Predictions: 
Well, when I was sorting baby clothes for the hospital bag, I was excited to see the baby girl clothes... but then I immediately couldn't wait to find the baby boy clothes and I really hope to use those too.  Either way, I will be so happy to have one more newborn to cherish.
I also have some new ideas for names... its crazy for me to think that whatever gender we do not have -- those names will just never be used (unless we name a family pet that name someday).

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week
Sunday was a great day -- tiring but really good.  I got a lot of projects done on Saturday, so when Sunday turned into church, and then family lunch, and the family Lowe's trip, and then family Costco trip, it was just fun, and it was nice that I had accomplished so much on Saturday that I wasn't stressed about missing the day at home.
Oh, and adjusting heartburn medicine so I am now getting heartburn relief!!!

Food cravings: 
Hmmmm... nothing in particular.

Honestly, I'm missing 20 hour work weeks -- LOL!
My work hours increased in January because of the number of students I'm currently serving... and now they have increased again my last few weeks of pregnancy.  It is a lot to juggle.

Yes and I really like them -- I can't believe I"m getting near the end where I'm never going to feel little baby kicks and flutters again.  Also the kiddos LOVE to feel them.  It's really fun.

Labor Signs:  
Well, I actually had some contractions this past weekend.  It was nothing to make me think we should head to the hospital, just enough to remind me that the end is a month or so away, and my body will be getting ready.

General Attitude: 
Trying to stay productive and positive... and praying that the construction ends this week.  PLEASE!
What I am looking forward to this week:  
Maybe construction ending?  Maybe children finally being totally over the stomach bug?  Maybe sorting through more baby clothes and trying to feel more organized with all the pre-baby home and work projects?
I've packed my hospital bag.


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