Saturday, April 10, 2021

I Taught Her One Thing...

 Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day.  It was the kind of perfect mountain spring day where it is just warm enough that the kiddos don't need coats, but they don't get too hot outside.

It's the kind of spring day where the sun feels so perfectly nice (not too hot) that Mama forgets to apply sunscreen, and my little redhead boy gets a little sun-kissed because we just forgot about sunburn because the weather felt so wonderful.

After dinner, Tracey and Howard headed outside to play again... but the sun was sinking low, so, as is common in the mountains where we live, the temperature had dropped significantly.  Both Tracey and Howard returned to get coats on.

Apparently Tracey's coat wasn't keeping her warm enough (especially after the warm sun of the day) because the next thing we know, she is headed outside dressed like this:

I tell you, if I taught this child 1 thing thus far in life, it is the importance of layers in keeping a person warm.

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