Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Preggers VI: 21 Weeks

This is my first pregnancy post for Baby Number 6.  I looked back and my first post for each of my pregnancies have varied:

Baby 6: 21 weeks (22 weeks tomorrow... but I'm still posting in 21 weeks, so it counts)
Hunter: 19 weeks
Lee Lee: 21 weeks
Twins: 16 weeks
Tracey Ann: 15 weeks

21 weeks with Baby Number 6

21 weeks with Hunter

21 Weeks with Lee Lee

21 Weeks with the Twins

21 Weeks with Tracey


How far along?  21 weeks

How I am feeling? 
Very well.
I was exhausted during the first trimester, but I've had my energy back for awhile now, and so I'm feeling really good.  I've had a little pain in my lower back, but it feels much better when I workout regularly (which I am trying to do), and I have a little heartburn, but it is completely managed with medication.  I really feel great.
How big is the baby?  T
The size of a carrot... 10.5 inches long, 12.7 ounces
I'm sleeping SO well these days.  I just said to Hubby the other day, I think I'm at the perfect size right now where I sleep on my side with my pregnancy pillow and I am SOOO comfortable!  Not too big yet.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
My sister-in-law did a ring test and predicts a girl.  My children saw this comparison picture and predicted a boy.  Tracey and Howard are predicting boy (although I think Tracey changed when she heard Aunt Mandy's prediction).  Caroline and Lee Lee predict a girl.  Hubby says it has to be a boy because we have enough girls.  I have kind of thought girl... but then I saw my ultrasound picture and I immediately thought Boy.  So... we'll find out when the baby arrives.

Baby Nicknames: Baby.
  Best moment this week:  The ultrasound and seeing our last little beautiful baby and hearing that the ultrasound looks "perfect".  Praise God!

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular right now but I am loving leftover Christmas cookies -- Buckeye Balls
Movements:  Yes, and I love them although they haven't been big enough for the kiddos to feel yet.  Mostly I feel them at the end of the day when I'm in bed, or when I'm sitting still.
Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.
Missing:  Honestly... I have really been missing the occasional beer or glass of wine.  Usually that is not a major thing I miss during pregnancy... but not infrequently I have thought a drink to end the day would be delightful.
General Attitude: Sr. year baby -- last pregnancy.  I'm really trying to cherish every last minute of growing a baby because I know this will be our last one.  I have LOVED being able to grown and carry our babies throughout these past 8 years, and I feel so incredibly grateful that my pregnancies have been smooth and without complications thus far.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  A date night with Hubby and swimming with the kids.

Milestones: We're more than halfway through this pregnancy - wow!


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