Monday, July 20, 2020

Hunter Nicholas -- Eight Months

Hunter turned eight months a few days ago and we are having so much fun with this little bundle of giggles and smiles.

Hunter at eight months

Lee Lee at eight months

Caroline at eight months

Howard at eight months

Twins at eight months

Tracey at eight months

Comparison picture at eight months


I'm not sure... probably more than 16 pounds.


I'm not sure... probably more than 26 inches long.

Clothing size: 

Mostly wearing Nine and twelve month clothing.  I pretty much go for the coolest easiest clothing possible these days.  We don't leave the house very often, so there are days he just wears a onesie.


Well, Hunter had allergy testing this month which revealed he is allergic to peanuts and eggs.  He is not allergic to milk, almonds or shrimp.  So, we were avoiding peanuts and eggs... but then later this month, Hunter had a mild allergic reaction when we ate tacos -- so now the doctor has Hunter off wheat, soy, beef, corn, and taco seasoning for three weeks until further testing can be done.

So, that is what Hunter does not eat.

We have him on a pretty strict diet of fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, chicken, and fish.

His favorite foods are strawberries, jello, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.

He still nurses several times a day as well.


Hunter sleeps well and takes 1-2 naps a day.  His mid-day nap is getting longer, and it is starting to sleep really well through the night (for 10-12+ hours) so we may be close to getting a strict one-nap schedule for him moving forward.

New things/discoveries/accomplishments: 

He had his first camping trip as a family (cabin camping)

His first time to the Rifle pool

His first times really enjoying water

His first summer treats -- popsicles and a taste of an ice cream cone, which he would not let go of after he got a taste

His first family garage sale

His first Father's Day

He is very close to crawling -- he will sit up and then use his heels to move himself around in a circle.  He also leans forward to try to reach things, and then will get onto his tummy.  Once on his tummy, he can reach a few things, but he does not quite have the strength to move yet -- any day.

He is definitely teething, poor little guy -- I can see where his two bottom teeth are SO ready to cut through, but they have not yet.  Thankfully, he still sleeps well, but he is fussier than normal during the day, and at meal times.


Being outside

Being around his siblings

Tags -- like the silky tags on her stuffed animals

Strawberries and popsicles

Swinging himself in his swing

Jumping in his exersaucer

Starting to use his walker to walk over to things to grab them

Baths and showers

Sitting up and watching everything



Food allergies

 Places He's Gone:

Cabin camping at  Grand Mesa National Forest

On his first family hike

On a bike ride with Mama in the bike chariot

I had a special girls outing with the two oldest girls and Hunter got to tag along to that -- a cheap movie, nails done, and ice cream.

Special Memories

Cabin camping

Father's Day

Some summer fun -- garage sale, pool time, water fun, popsicles

First Fourth of July -- which was pretty low key and our first ever Fourth of July in Colorado


Hunt Hunt (by Lee Lee)

Hunner (by Caroline)

Hunny (by Howard and Tracey)


Little Guy

Happy Boy


Buzz Boy

Hunt Buddy

Pictures from this month (all taken close to home):

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