Monday, March 29, 2021

Preggers VI: 32 Weeks

 How far along?  

32 weeks, 4 days

 32 Weeks with Tracey

32 Weeks with the Twins

32 Weeks with Lee Lee

32 weeks with Hunter Nicholas

How I am feeling? 
I have felt great this week.  I have been on spring break travels with the family, and although I had a few uncomfortable minutes riding in the car, I really am feeling well.  I was able to keep up with the kiddos and I was in such a great mood having fun with the family.  Now, I'm back home

How big is the baby?  
The size of a squash... 16.6 inches, 3.75 pounds
I've been sleeping really well especially given that we've been away from home.  Hopefully I will keep sleeping well to get me through all the upcoming work days.

Boy/Girl Predictions: 
Definitely a baby.

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week
Spring break was amazing.  I don't know that I can pick one moment... it really was such a great trip.

Food cravings:  
Cesar salad and peanut m&ms

Spring Break... do I have to work for the next eight weeks until the baby comes?  (Yes I do, in case you're wondering.)
Yes, and I love them.  Its hard to imagine that I'm in the last few weeks that I will ever feel precious little baby movements inside.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.

General Attitude: 
Feeling good and ready to get my crew back from Spring Break and kind of back to our routine.  We actually have some construction happening at the house... so I'm trying to get used to life in the construction zone for possibly this week (hopefully not must longer than this week).  Also, I now have my list of "things I want to accomplish before baby arrives" so hopefully I can start working on some of those projects.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
I get my second covid vaccine this week!  YAY!

Thirty-two weeks means I can deliver in Glenwood, which is always a good milestone when you live where we do in the mountains.

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