Monday, March 1, 2021

Preggers VI: 28 Weeks

Twenty-eight weeks with baby number 6!

The final trimester of my (hopefully) final pregnancy!

28 Weeks with Tracey Ann
28 Weeks with the Twins
and 31 Weeks with Lee Lee -- because I didn't have a picture from 28 weeks.

And 28 weeks with Hunter Nicholas

How far along?  28 weeks, 4 days

How I am feeling? 
Better... just trying to keep up with everything and keep track of everything.  My work hours increased in January, which is good because I need the extra hours to get the work done that is needed, but I think those must have been the hours that I kept up with laundry because I have felt BURIED with laundry pretty much since we started back to school after Christmas.  Trying to tick off everything that needs to get done between now and Spring Break, without wishing away these three weeks (which is so hard, because I really just want to wish away these three weeks)... but I'm also trying to cherish my time with Hunter a the youngest before he has to share me with a new baby... sorry, I'm rambling... that is probably a very accurate account of how I'm feeling now.  I am feeling very rambly.

How big is the baby?  
The size of an eggplant... 14.8 inches long, 2.20 pounds

Sleep is amazing.  I love sleep.  I have a hard time getting out of bed for morning workouts.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
Definitely a boy or a girl.

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week:  
There were several -- I got my first COVID vaccine this week, which is a REALLY GREAT feeling!!!  Also, Addallee came home from church on Sunday very excitedly singing a new song that she had learned, and that was wonderful to hear.

Food cravings: 
Protein.  I need to make sure I'm eating protein when I'm hungry and not carbs or sugar.

Yes, and I love them.  This baby moves SOOO often -- I do not remember any other babies moving THIS often.  Hubby says that means it must be a boy.  It also means that all of the kiddos have felt the baby move several times -- even Hunter although he doesn't know that he has.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.
Motivation for working out.  I feel so much better when I've done my workouts... but I definitely do not pop out of bed ready to do them these days.
General Attitude:  
Chugging along trying to get to Spring Break.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
Next weekend we're planing to watch skijorging in Leadville.

The final trimester of my final pregnancy (we hope).
Also the first time I tried to line up the other children with me for the pregnancy picture.  These were the best of the batches that we took.

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