Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Preggers VI: 31 Weeks

 31 Weeks with Baby Number 6!

31 Weeks with Tracey Ann

   31 Weeks with the Twins

31 Weeks with Lee Lee Marigold

31 weeks with Hunter Nicholas

How far along?  
31 weeks, 4 days

How I am feeling? 
Very well pregnacy-wise.  We're on Spring Break, so I've had several days of riding in the car, and stretches are amazing... if I stretch in the morning and at night it makes a big difference in aches and pains while riding in the car.

How big is the baby?  
The size of a bunch of asparagus... 16.1 inches long, 3.31 pounds

I have actually slept very well given that we've been traveling... but I have been having very detailed dreams lately that I remember in the morning, which is very uncommon for me.  They are not about the baby or pregnancy... just very weird dreams.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
Well... I have found myself thinking more and more on this trip that our new baby is a girl... but that could just be that I have been thinking about baby names, and I am more settled on a girl's name than I am a boy's name.  (I should know that I feel more settled on a girl's name... Hubby and I are far from agreeing on a name for either gender...)

Baby Nicknames: 
Although, the other night Lee Lee and I were cuddling and she started talking to the baby so I asked her what we should name the baby if it's a girl or a boy.  She suggested "Oscar" if its a boy, and "Bella" if its a girl.
  Best moment this week:  
Leaving for our Spring Break surprise trip with our kiddos.  They are such awesome kids, and Hubby and I very thoughtfully planned out a trip that we thought the whole family would enjoy... and thus far, we have not had to cancel anything (but we are praying and keeping our fingers crossed as I type that).

Food cravings: 
Caesar Salad... which I vaguely remember that I have craved with other pregnancies.  Hubby did not remember this, but I will have to look back at other pregnancy posts because I know have craved Caesar salads before.  It has not been a first trimester craving, but I think usually just suddenly around the third trimester, for some reason they just start sounding AMAZING!!!  I've already had two so far on our trip... and one sounds really good right now.

Yes... not as constant as they were there for some weeks in the second trimester, although maybe the baby's just starting to run out of room a little.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.
At the moment... absolutely nothing.  I am feeling so grateful for the chance to be on this vacation with my wonderful Hubby and children.
General Attitude:  
 What I am looking forward to this week:  
This family baby moon we're on.

It does feel like a family Baby Moon that we're on, and that is really the attitude I have here.  I get to focus on Hunter and Lee Lee while Hubby does some extra things with the big kids, and do so in a way that will be harder once the baby comes.  They are loving the activities like the big kids -- but they need some more down time, which is nice because I benefit from a little down time too.  It really feels like a family celebration trip both marking that COVID is not as scary as it has been the past year... and a family Baby Moon before our LAST little baby joins our family.


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