Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Preggers VI: 29 Weeks

So... something about 29 weeks, I have not done a 29 week pregnancy update since I was pregnant with the twins -- and I almost missed this one.  This will appear on the blog on Tuesday, and I become 30 weeks on Thursday, so I almost skipped this week.  But, last pregnancy so I'm trying to document every week.

29 Weeks with Baby Number 6 in Leadville elevation 10,200 feet

28 weeks with Hunter because I didn't take a 29 week picture

31 weeks with Addallee because I didn't take a 29 week picture

29 weeks with the Twins


and 29 weeks with Tracey Ann

How far along?  
29 weeks, 5 days

How I am feeling?  
Well... like the most beautiful humpback whale stuck on the beach unable to move

How big is the baby?  
The size of acorn squashes... whatever those are.  Another website said butternut squashes, so whichever you are more familiar... around 2.5 pounds and 15.2 inches long.

Sleep is wonderful... although I am up throughout the night.  As long as I can fall right back to sleep, the nights are glorious.  If I'm not able to fall back to sleep, I am not the happiest lady in the morning.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
Definitely a boy or a girl.

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week:  
We had a really fun weekend with the kiddos.  Leadville skijoring on Saturday and church and 60* temperatures on Sunday... now if only the little woodland creatures would come fold the laundry while the family and I had fun, life would be perfect.

Food cravings: 
Protein.  I need to make sure I'm eating protein when I'm hungry and not carbs or sugar.

Yes, and I love them.  This baby moves SOOO often -- I do not remember any other babies moving THIS often.  I love the little baby movements... the kids are able to feel them pretty regularly too now.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.
I think I'm missing the second trimester.  That second trimester is so nice when I have my energy back, and my baby bump is just little and cute and sweet and adorable.  Now, I'm just barely in the third trimester but I can tell that my energy is less, my tiredness is more, and my baby bump feels akin to a watermelon... and still 10+ weeks to go.....
General Attitude:  
One day at a time.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
I really hope those woodland creatures come to work on the laundry.

If I'm remembering correctly, I think the way I'm feeling now is one of my pregnancy milestones.  I think at the very beginning of my third trimester, I really do feel exhausted and I wonder not only how I can get any bigger, but also how I can go another 10 weeks.  I'm pretty sure this is par for the course for me on pregnancies... not that it makes it any easier... just another milestone to check off from my FINAL pregnancy!!

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