Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Preggers VI: 27 Weeks

Rolling right along... 27 weeks (and counting) with Baby Number 6.

27 Weeks with Baby Number 6

and look, Lexie jumped in the picture

27 Weeks with Tracey 

27 Weeks with the twins

No documentation of 27 weeks with Addallee, but here's 21 weeks.

No documentation of 27 weeks but here is 25 Weeks with Hunter Nicholas

How far along?  
27 weeks, 4 days

How I am feeling? 
Better...ish.  I definitely feel like I must be in the third trimester.  
One day (or hour) I'll feel emotional, another day (or another hour) I'll have energy, another day (or hour) I'll have pregnancy aches and pains...
Tired, excited, overwhelmed, happy, energetic, large, ready to "nest", ready to nap... I'm feeling it all.

How big is the baby?  
The size of cauliflower... 14.5 inches long, almost 2 pounds

Sleep is nice -- third trimester, some nights I sleep really well, and other nights I don't sleep so well.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
Definitely a boy or girl.

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week:  
We had a fun weekend at home -- and I assigned each child to clean a different room of our main floor.  For them that means, picking up and putting away items from the floor and sweeping the floor -- that felt amazing to have that project done and know that the kids had helped.

Food cravings: 
Just food in general.  I am feeling more hungry these days.

Yes, TONS!  I don't remember the other babies moving this much, but it is wonderful.  I love the baby movements.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.
Hunter is 15 months -- walking everywhere and really doesn't sit still very long.  It will be easier to keep up with a toddler when I'm not pregnant.  Not that it will be easier to keep up with Hunter with a newborn around... but when Baby Number 6 is a toddler -- that will be nice not to be pregnant when that baby is a toddler.
General Attitude: 
Oh, just Spring Term Senior Year... 
I mean Third Trimester Final (we pray) Pregnancy.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
Counting down the weeks to Spring Break... so I'm looking forward to getting through this week so we're another week closer to spring break.

Third trimester!  That's a big milestone.
Also, I have started nesting.  All of a sudden in the past two days (with almost no warning), I began sorting all the kids' summer clothes, and got the bassinet in our room read -- not hard given that Hunter was in it less than a year ago.  I'm not sure how long I'll have the nesting energy... so I definitely have to make the most of the nesting urges while I have them.


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