Monday, February 8, 2021

Preggers VI: 25 Weeks

25 Weeks with Baby Number 6

25 Weeks with Tracey 

25 Weeks with the twins!

No documentation of 25 weeks with Addallee, but here's 21 weeks.

25 Weeks with Hunter Nicholas

How far along?  
25 weeks, 3 days

How I am feeling? 
A little emotional... more than usual.  I've burst into tears quite a few times this week, and that is not normal for me pregnancy or not.

How big is the baby?  
The size of a head of cauliflower... 13.5 inches long, 1.46 pounds

Sleep is amazing.  I love sleep.  I wish I could sleep more to be honest.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  
The children seem to talk quite a bit as though the baby is one gender or the other -- and then is immediately corrected by another sibling.  So Caroline might say, "I felt the baby move today.  How big is she?" and she is immediately corrected by Howard, "Or he!  How big is he!"

Baby Nicknames: 
  Best moment this week:  
I had a good week at work and we adjusted to Maizey Blue joining our family pretty well... so those were good parts to the week.  Also, we enjoyed cheering for former Michigan quarterback Tom Brady in the Super Bowl (and watching him handily win his 7th Super Bowl title)!

Food cravings: 
I baked two butterscotch pies and two. batches of chocolate chip muffins over the weekend... so I must be craving baked goods at the moment.

Yes, and I love them.  All the children have felt the baby move or kick at least once, and the other night Hubby and I were cuddling and the baby kicked quite a few times and Hubby could feel it... later he told the kids that the baby was kicking him away because the baby didn't want to share Mama.  They thought that was pretty funny.

Labor Signs:  
Not yet, thankfully.
I didn't really miss it, but I did mentally note that this was the last Super Bowl Sunday of my life that I couldn't have a beer.  I'm not a big drinker by any means, but a beer with Super Bowl Sunday will be nice every year from now on.
General Attitude: 
I hope I begin to feel less emotional.  I just want to buckle down and keep up with work, and keep up with the kids, and I'd like to start on a few nesting/organization projects pretty soon to feel like I'm ahead of the game getting ready for baby.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
Well, its not until next weekend (and my 26 week update), but I am excited for a long weekend for President's day.  It will be really nice to have that Monday off!

Perhaps feeling emotional?  But many pregnant mamas feel emotional throughout pregnancy so I'm not really sure what milestone that would be.


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