Thursday, May 21, 2020

Saying, "Hi"

This is quarantine... this is the part I will probably forget, but I think it gives a glimpse into how our lives have changed.

In this first pictures, I was taking a picture of Howard working on his Legos on the table by the window and spread all over the windowsill.

But as I took the picture, we saw a random person walking past our house.  This is not a person that we know.  He immediately put his Legos down and started knocking on the window, waving and saying, "Hi!  Hi!"

She didn't turn and wave -- maybe she had head phones in and didn't hear him.

But this is what social distancing has done to kids like ours.

We are so fortunate that they are healthy and happy and have us at home and have each other to play with.  But they are happy social kids.  They are the kids that smile, wave, and say hello to every shopper at Costco when we are shopping as a family.

They adore their teachers and the love time with baby-sitters, and they generally think that every human on the face of the earth wants to be their friends.  So much so, that when they see anyone walk past our house, they bang on the windows trying to say hello because they miss being able to make new friends.

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