Monday, October 21, 2019

Preggers V: 36 Weeks

How far along?  36 weeks, 2 days

 36 Weeks with Tracey

35 Weeks with the Twins because they were born at 36 weeks exactly, and I never took a last picture

36 Weeks with Lee Lee

How I am feeling?  Since two days ago... I'm feeling well.  I want to get more punctual about these pregnancy posts because one never knows when the baby is coming... could be six weeks, could be any time, so I want to try to post closer to the actual new week of pregnancy.

How big is the baby?  The size of a papaya -- 18.7 inches long, 5.73 pounds

Sleep: Sleep is glorious.  I hope this is a wonderful sleep week.

Boy/Girl Predictions: No predictions but I'm really getting excited to find out when the baby is born!

Baby Nicknames:  Baby

Exercising:  Well, no exercising in the past two days... but today is Monday so hopefully I can buckle down again this week and get to it.

  Best moment this week: We went down to a hotel in Denver for a medical test for Lee Lee, but it ended up being a really fun couple of days just Hubby and me and the four kiddos.  It is hard to imagine that the whole family dynamic is about to change when the baby arrives.  I am trying to cherish these last days or weeks with just the four kids.
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular.
Missing:  Nothing really.
Movements:  Yes, and I really like them.  Getting pretty strong in there.

Labor Signs:  I notice more and more contractions from time to time.  Hopefully just my body getting ready for a quicker labor and delivery when the time arrives.

General Attitude:  I'm glad we're getting close to full term.  Lee Lee didn't arrive until her due date so it could still be awhile, but I will breathe a sigh of relief when we are officially full term (37 weeks) and it is safe to deliver any time.  I'll also breathe a sigh of relief when my parents arrive in Colorado, so that we have backup in place for when we need to head to the hospital.  Also, wanting to get a few more projects done before I hit full term.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  Seeing my parents!  And Lee Lee's birthday on Tuesday.

Milestones: I've officially carried Baby Number 5 longer than I've carried the twins.

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