Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Preggers V: 34 Weeks

How far along?  34 weeks, 4 days
Two pictures because I took the picture on Saturday, which was 34 weeks on the nose and then I took a picture on Sunday because I think I liked the outfit.

 34 Weeks with Tracey

34 Weeks with the Twins

34 Weeks with Lee Lee


How I am feeling? 
MUCH BETTER, Praise God!  The sciatic pain seems to be mostly under control -- not completely gone, but manageable between lots of yoga stretches, some icy hot cream, some lavender oil, shoes with good support, sitting in awkward driving positions, and the occasional does of Tylenol.  I am so grateful that the shooting pain seems have subsided for now.
How big is the baby?  The size of a cantaloupe... 17.7 inches, 4.7 pounds
Sleep: I love sleep.  Sleep is such sweet perfection.  I just switched to sleeping with my long pregnancy pillow and I have slept SO well the past few nights.

Boy/Girl Predictions: Nope... just predicting a baby.

Baby Nicknames: Baby 
  Best moment this week: Probably spending Saturday with the family at Tracey's school Fun Run and then the parade, and then back home to watch Michigan win and take it easy with the kids.  We really had a great time.

Food cravings: Water!  I've been really thirsty lately.

Missing:  Days when I wasn't on labor alert.  We're getting close enough to my due date, which is still six weeks away, that I'm starting to wonder when I'm going to have the baby and think about dates that would be more or less convenient to have the baby.  I did the same thing when I was pregnant with Addallee and its exhausting.  I just need to relax and stay pregnant until the baby arrives without thinking so much about the "when?"

Movements:  Yes.  They are definitely lower and they seem to be bigger -- less overall movements but stronger movements.  The baby gets the hiccups about once a day and sometimes those are good movements for the kiddos to feel because they're repetitive.  Caroline finally realized she was feeling the baby's hiccups a few days ago and she was so excited.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.

General Attitude: Keep checking projects off the list.  I got all the kiddos clothes switched from summer clothes in their drawers to winter clothes.  Now, I need to finish organizing our guest room, finish organizing Lee Lee's room, and keep checking work projects off the list -- slowly but surely. 
What I am looking forward to this week:  I have a doctor's appointment this week and a chiropractor appointment this week, and I'm looking forward to both.
Milestones: I can't think of a specific milestone... but just feeling better overall than the past few weeks.  At this point in my pregnancies, I always wish I knew where the finish was... I wish I knew how many more days/weeks I was going to be pregnant... but I'm not that kind of mom.  We've never known the time, the day or the hour that I would go into labor and my body has always hung in as long as was necessary (even when my mind or emotions felt like they were going crazy).  Our babies always show up despite our not planning for a specific birth day, and everything has always gone a-okay.  I'm trying to worry less and get projects done... while doing yoga stretches.


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