Sunday, October 13, 2019

10 On The 10th

10 (or more) photos taken on the 10th of the month...

It was my dad's birthday...

Lee Lee headed downstairs for school

Thursday was our first really cold day -- highs in the 30s, lows in the teens, an snow... so we had all the snow gear laid out in the family room the night before.  Snow pants, boots, coats, hats, gloves, and backpacks...

 7:00am loading the truck

Our yard didn't get snow... but the mesas and mountains did.

We've been taking the truck these days, and I love having the kids so close in the car.  In the suburban, they are way in the back... but I can actually hand them breakfast from the driver's seat.  Once the baby arrives, we'll be back in the burb, but I love the truck in the meantime.

Snow on the soccer field as we switched to my work car.

Off to see students... with coffee, water, an audio book, lunchbox, and dry cleaning.

Don't all teachers have a small skeleton model in their office for their blind students to learn anatomy better?

There is one full-length mirror in my life-- and its across from my office at one school.  The problem is, its too late to change my outfit once I look in the full length mirror.  I didn't realize that this sweater doesn't actually cover my belly.

After school, this is what happens.  Lee Lee and I chat while the other three zonk out.

To keep the sciatic pain in check, I drive with my left leg pulled up on the seat.

We facetimed Papa to wish him a happy birthday, and Lee Lee sang the whole birthday song to him with just a little help from Mama.  It was so sweet.

I got the kids fed, bathed, and in pajamas.  Then a sitter arrived and I ran off to listen to the panel discussion with candidates for the local school board.  Notice my handsome Hubby is one of the candidates (far right).  He did such a great job.  He would make a wonderful school board member.

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