Saturday, June 29, 2019

Week Home

So, in case you were keeping track, we got out of school, and promptly had a two-day garage sale.  The next day we left for a week-long family vacation in Vail.

Then we were home for two nights (and about one day) before we left for our family road trip to Washington and home through Yellowstone National Park.  That was a great trip.

Well, we've been home for exactly one week -- we got home last Friday around midnight, and we head off again this morning morning about 5:00am (or at least that is the goal!).

So, what did we do with our week home?  Well, we worked a lot -- I taught a few summer classes in braille and O&M, Hubby went up to his new school a few times for meetings and work, and I did a lot of work for the church.  I also had a list of projects I wanted done around the house -- some pictures hung, bookshelves moved.  And, we managed to squeeze in some family fun -- a family movie at the movie theater (Lee Lee's first), seeing the new baby on the ultra sound, and a trip to Glenwood Caverns.

She was not happy when I took this... but she looked just so darn cute.

Our kids had as much fun dancing at the front of the theater at the end of the movie while music played during the credits as they did during the actual movie.  We saw Toy Story 4.

We had lunch at White House Pizza during the week and the kids had a blast playing hide and seek in their yard -- can you see Tracey hiding behind this sign?

These two kept playing Road Trip -- they would pack bags, backpacks, purses with as many toys as would fit in them.  Then, they would sit on the seat together with all their dolls and Caroline would say something like, "You want to go to St. Louis?"
Lee Lee:  Yeah!
Caroline:  Okay, buckle up!
Lee Lee:  Okay.
Caroline:  Hold on to your baby
Lee Lee:  Baby.

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