Sunday, June 23, 2019

Preggers IV: 19 Weeks

I was feeling really behind not having posted a pregnancy update yet... but in looking back, I didn't post with Lee Lee until 21 weeks, so I'm doing better this time around.
19 weeks Baby Number 5
(notice the long sleeves -- very chilly summer day in Rifle today)
19 Weeks with Tracey
19 Weeks with the Twins
20 Weeks with Lee Lee (because I didn't take a photo at 19 weeks) 

How far along?  19 weeks

How I am feeling? With the pregnancy, I feel great... starting to feel big, but overall I'm doing great.  I do get nauseous still if I need to eat.
How big is the baby?  The size of a zucchini... 10.08 inches long, 10.58 ounces
Sleep:  I always sleep well -- there is no option not to in order to keep up with everyone.  I will say we have been traveling this past week and I have not gotten ENOUGH sleep, but that cannot continue.  Sleep -- here I come!

Boy/Girl Predictions:  I really don't have a prediction because I have been 1/4 in gender predictions (I've thought all were boys... and 1 has been a boy).  I will say I really hope its a boy to add some balance to our family, but we do well with girls.  Howard wants a brother, and Tracey wants another sister.  Lee Lee and Caroline are just excited about the baby.

Baby Nicknames:  Mostly just Baby.  Tracey told someone she wants to name the baby Roger if it's a boy, and Ella if its a girl.  But thankfully she hasn't started calling the baby those names.
  Best moment this week:  We had a really great family vacation over father's day with my family and then a great family adventure through Yellowstone on the way home.  I think the best was traveling with the kids -- Hubby and I love to travel on roadtrips but we really haven't since the twins were born.  It felt great to be doing that as a family.

Food cravings:  Nothing in particular right now I just need to eat or I feel nauseated.
Missing:  Since before being pregnant?  Probably my size.  I worked really hard to lose the pregnancy weight following Lee Lee and it was fun to feel back to my normal size.  I am still diligently working out with this pregnancy, but obviously my size is changing again to accommodate a growing healthy baby.  It's only temporary.
Movements:  Yes, and I love them although they haven't been big enough for the kiddos to feel yet.  I am very excited for the bigger kicks that the siblings will be able to feel.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.
General Attitude: Hmmm... about the pregnancy or in general?  About the pregnancy, I'm still surprised when people know I'm pregnant because Hubby and I kept it a secret for so long (I didn't tell Hubby until almost 7 weeks, we told my parents at 12 weeks, we told our kids at his parents at 14 weeks).  In general, I'm trying to take one summer adventure at a time in order to stay organized and not be overwhelmed.
 What I am looking forward to this week:  We have our 20 week ultrasound this week (at 19.5 weeks) because we will be traveling soon and I am excited to see the baby, know that everything looks healthy, and I think I'm taking a few kiddos with me so I am excited for them to experience that as well.

Milestones: We're nearly halfway through this pregnancy!

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