Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fifth and Sixth Days of Fun

Lots of pictures from our Friday and Saturday of Fun in Vail.

Friday was our last day with Daddy here and Tracey woke up at 6:30am to ask if Daddy was here yet... so we were off and running.


We tried on two different outings to buy a few postcards in Vail, which they used to sell with dozens of different scenes every ten feet, but in this day an age, we had to try 3 different stores before we found a store that sold five different scenes.  A lot of stores where we did try to find postcards apparently sell toys... so I promised the kids I would take a picture of them with all the toys they wanted me to buy.

Fun in the Vail Children's Fountain

And then on to the pool.

The girls all needed neosporin sprayed on a few scratches... so here they are all holding each other's hands waiting for the spray.

Before dinner Lee Lee decided she wanted to walk over to each of her siblings and tell them a secret, and the big kids loved it.

By the evening, I gave all children an Ipad and put Barney on television and we all rested until Daddy arrived.  We have gotten very restricted on ipad time in the past few years, which means the kids basically never get the ipads -- I mean less then once a month -- almost never.  Which means, when I need them to sit still for an hour... I have an ace in my back pocket.
And you know what, each of the kids gave the ipad back to me and said they were done with it in less than an hour.  I take that as a good sign.

Then Daddy arrived!  Thank goodness!

Dessert was rainbow candy, which our kiddos turned into dragon tongues.

Family fun!

Oh my goodness this little girl is hilarious.

Lee Lee insisted on wearing Minnie diapers to bed... so she wore one of Caroline's bedtime pull-ups over her pajamas.  These girls are so adorable together.  Caroline loves to look after Lee Lee and Lee Lee loves to copy Caroline.

Tracey fell asleep before bedtime...

Good night!

FUN on Day Six!

All the girls came out of their room together.

Caroline watching a kayak-er from the bridge

Lee Lee, Howard and Caroline had fun watching the paddle boarders on Gore Creek as we waited for Tracey's turn in the zip line.  You had to weigh 40 pounds to zip line, and Howard weighed 37.4... he was so bummed.  Next year, Buddy!

As we walked around the Go-Pro Games a lot of music is played... I finally had to take a video of my Caroline literally dancing her way down the sidewalk along with the music.  This is a picture from the video.  I so love that girl!

 Tracey is now such a pro at the rock wall and she was so excited to do it again... and Howard could not wait for another chance at the rock wall.  He watched his sister like a hawk...

He watched her reach the top... and you know what...


Caroline enjoyed some snacks in the shade...

Howard on the left, Tracey on the right.

The girls waiting to paddle board

The kids were all supposed to collect floating "trash" on the paddle boards to help the kids learn about cleaning up our environment.

The kids waited in line in the sun for paddle boarding over an hour... so while they were waiting, I went back to the condo to get popsicles for them to enjoy after the paddle boarding... and the walk allowed Lee Lee to fall asleep in the stroller for a little nap.

Family popsicle picnic with Lee Lee in the stroller.

Then she woke up for a popsicle.

Then we all went swimming.  I took videos, but could take these pictures from the videos.

And this was a video of Lee Lee trying to catch up with her siblings down the hallway.

We obviously were very successful at a fun day for the kids -- Howard fell asleep on the bench at dinner...

And Caroline fell asleep cuddling with Daddy after dinner.

All kids were in bed asleep by 7:00pm.  
What a wonderful day!

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