Friday, June 7, 2019

Fourth Day of Fun

Fourth day of fun in Vail...

I have been posting mostly just pictures, which is kind of nice to just fall back on pictures without explanation after our hectic days, but today I will write a little more.

Yesterday, the kids NEEDED naps!  Lee Lee has been sleeping in the big kids room, and it has been okay, but she has not slept as long as she usually does.  Then, having her nap has been tricky because if I put the twins in her room, they wake her up, but if I keep the twins awake, they are bouncing off the walls wanting to do activities we can't do until she wakes up.  But yesterday the excitement caught up with everyone and the twins, and Lee Lee napped, while Tracey and I rested.

Our evening was SO pleasant witha ll three rested... but bedtime was a NIGHTMARE!  Lee Lee and the twins still awake after 10:00pm.  NOT OKAY!

So, it actually made me laugh that this picture came up on my timehop today -- from three years ago.  I posted this picture saying that it took so long to get the twins to sleep that I planned on just letting them have the bed, and Hubby and I would take the bassinet.

Today, Lee Lee napped in the stroller (maybe 45 minutes) while we were out and about in the morning.  I insisted on bringing everyone back to the condo for lunch but then we headed right out again for afternoon activities.  I thought Addallee would nap again -- she didn't, but she was an overall happy trooper and she easily went to bed before the big kids and was sound asleep when they joined her in the room to sleep (YAY!).

The twins loved all the back-to-back activity and while bath time was a little hairy after watching dock dogs in the morning, walking around the Go-Pro games, lunch at the condo, an afternoon of kids activities at the games, then swimming (THEN BATHS), they overall had a great day and night and they collapsed into bed without objection.  Praise God!

While Lee Lee does benefit from an actual nap, I might just stick to this let-her-nap-in-the-stroller thing and fill the days with activities for tomorrow and Saturday because the kids had so much fun and bedtime went SO much better.

Either way we're finding our summer routine and it involves a LOT of activity.  I'm really tired at the end of the day!

Here are photos from yesterday -- the fourth day of fun in Vail and the opening day of the Go Pro Mountain Games.

Hubby has been working in both Rifle and Gypsum this week, so he left Tuesday afternoon and he wasn't' supposed to come back to Vail until Friday afternoon -- but he surprised me yesterday morning before work while I was doing my workout!  It was wonderful to see him and so sweet of him to come -- but he also brought extra diapers and wipes, which we needed, so I was EXTRA happy to see him!

My kiddos really looked adorable as we headed out!

The big kids rode their striders all the way to Lion's Head and back -- probably 1.5 miles total estimate.  Its really been fun to go on longer walks with them this summer with the striders without children complaining or getting too tired along the way.

 We watched some Dock Dog competition, which the kids loved.  It gets really crowded Friday and Saturday, so it was fun to take the kids over to that area of the games on Thursday without the crowds.

It took Lee Lee all of five minutes to insist on joining her siblings in the bleachers.  She is such an independent little sister. 

 So, Nature Valley gave away free sun glasses and Caroline and Tracey were hilarious in these glasses.  Caroline just looked like a little tough girl, and Tracey took every chance to pull the glasses down her nose and give anyone and everyone around us sassy stares.

Seriously, between the hair, the dress, and the glasses, she was like a different child -- way too cool for me.

Making faces that they're afraid of this bear.

 Popsicles after lunch before all the kids activities.

 Ready for kayaking

Ready for rock climbing

Howard made it as far as he could, but his short legs and arms were not ideal for this particular wall.

Tracey made it to the top of the rock climbing wall for the first time ever -- last year, she barely made it twice her own height so this was really surprising and such an accomplishment for her!

 The girls were really patient while Tracey spent easily 30 minutes or more climbing the rock wall over and over and over.

The L. L. Bean Bootmobile

It was hard to get laundry done without Hubby and with all our activities... so we dropped off the laundry on our way to swimming, and there were five minute left to the load when we got back from swimming -- so this was my attempt to turn watching the clothing spin into a game for five minutes while we waited.

The twins watching the a pouring rain storm through our open window after dinner.  It was gorgeous, and so cozy since we were in for the night.


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