Monday, March 4, 2019


As I am taking on more and more jobs, projects, and responsibilities outside of all my responsibilities at home, I am learning how to recharge when needed.  I don't have it down to a perfect system by any means, but I am learning the value of prioritizing an evening every now and then alone with my husband.

He and I had a date night planned two weeks ago... and then our children got sick so we had to cancel it.

On Saturday, Hubby had something planned for the day, but it got canceled and so I looked at him about 10am and asked if he thought we could get last minute baby-sitters to make up for our missed date night a few weeks ago.  Amazingly, two of our favorite sitters were available. 

Hubby asked me what I wanted to, and I was very clear what I was wanting from a date night -- I wanted to sit and eat a relaxing dinner with absolutely no rush at all.  I feel as though I live my life rushed.  Even if I am allowing plenty of time for something, I am responsibly for four little people and myself and I always feel rushed.

He and decided that our date would be dinner and a movie, but we were able to go to dinner so early that we never had to look at the clock to make sure we were on time for the movie.

We sat in the bar and ordered an appetizer while we discussed some plans for the spring... then we ordered dinner after we had finished the appetizer and then we played a dice game while we were waiting on dinner.

It was raining and snowing outside the entire time and we were seated right by a window and it was such an enjoyable relaxing night.

It was so great that it will probably tide me over for another two months until we arrange another date night.

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