Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10 On The 10th

Ten(ish) pictures taken on yesterday, the 10th.

The day started posting a birthday collage to congratulate my day on 85 amazing years.

Tracey spent two nights with my parents in Vail to have special Grammie and Papa time... so this was the picture of Howard and Caroline spotting Tracey, Grammie and Papa out the window when they brought Tracey back home.

Grammie and Papa got Tracey back to Rifle in time for dance class, and since Grammie and Papa were there, we had enough hands (and laps) to all sit and watch Tracey's dance class, which was such a treat.  Usually I have to stay in the lobby with the twins to keep from being disruptive.

Tracey had a great class.

 Howard and Caroline always get to participate in the final song, and I'm not sure if you can tell from this picture, but Caroline was prancing around the entire room beaming and laughing the entire time.

When the kids nap, I get off my feet, and watch a little Mama television -- today was a Hallmark movie.

As a part of the nesting, I guess, I've been hanging some new pictures around our house -- well, they're not new... they were uncovered when I cleaned the basement the other day.  This one says,
"is willing to accept that she creates her own reality
except for some of the parts when she can't help but wonder what the hell she was thinking"

I wish I could say the twins were diligently studying their Bible memory verse (which is what is written on this piece of paper)... but I'm pretty sure they're trying to pull off some stickers that are on the paper.

For the past two days, Caroline keeps finding winter coats and insisting that I help her put them on... our house is not that cold, really... but I think she might be telling me something.

We attended a birthday party in the evening for a friend from church, and the kids had fun trying out their trampoline.

Tracey and Howard made sure to be about as close to the birthday girl while she was blowing out her candles as they could possibly get.

It was a great 10th of the month.

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