Monday, February 13, 2012

Not Me Monday: Bribing the Dog

I do not post "Not Me Mondays" very often, but I just had to today, because this weekend, I realized, I am going to be a terrible mother.

This past weekend, I was sick in bed from Friday night until Monday morning, and I was alone with the animals for pretty much the same timeline.  In fairness to my hubby, he was home for about 5 hours Saturday night-Sunday morning and he got home around 6:00pm Sunday evening.  I was not completely alone -- but for the majority of both days, I was alone with both animals.

I used to love to be sick with my kitty cat -- as my as anyone can enjoy being sick.  Lexie would curl up with me and not leave my side as long as I was ill.  Lloyd doesn't want to leave my side either, but he does not understand why I am home during the day with him, and yet I do not want to play.  How can I be home all day with him and yet I am not at his beckon call to go outside and play?

It was about mid-day on Saturday that I realized not only the secret to keeping Lloyd entertained while I am sick, but I also realized I am going to be a horrible mother.

A good mother would never bribe her child to leave her alone when she's sick, and I certainly would {not} give my dog 6 little rawhide treats in one day to try to get him to leave me alone.  Never would a mother who loves her dog do such a thing.

She also, would {not} let the puppy bring his stick inside.  Lloyd is never allowed to bring his stick inside, and he knows this.  When mom is sick, he of course would {never} be allowed to bring it inside.

A good mother would never bribe her dog to give her some peace while she's sick.  I certainly {never} would either.  What am I going to do when there are kids, not just animals in the picture?  I'm sure I would {never} invoke the same technique when I have kids... never.

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