Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome To My Brain!

Do you remember that scene in Legally Blonde 2 where Elle is working at her desk and she looks on one side of her desk and it has a huge chart of the House of Representatives... then she turns to the other side of her desk and she has a huge chart of the seating chart for her wedding...

My brain is completely split these days. I am in the middle of writing Functional Vision Assessment Reports and I jump over to the wedding TO DO LIST to write something else I've remembered I have to do.

One half of my brain is consumed with running around like mad trying to keep track of different districts Spring Breaks, different districts State Testing Days, different assessments and IEPs due on different days for different students...

The other half of my brain is consumed with lists of emailing the wedding party different details, ordering sand and canisters and a banner, talking to my mom about gifts for the bridal party, figuring out a time when Chris and I can both be on the phone with the band leader, choosing a videographer, starting to formulate program ideas, finalizing wording for the invitations, choosing a wedding ring and jeweler for Chris' ring, deciding if we're doing a pictures slide-show at any part of the wedding events and when we start gathering those pictures, choosing which scripture(s) we're going to ask my our reader to read at the ceremony, calling our cruise agency back every few weeks to see if the price of our cruise has dropped... and so much more.

The thing is though, I LOVE IT! I love every minute of this planning process! I'm beginning to wonder if I would make a good wedding planner because I am completely in my element and happy as a clam planning this wedding. I don't think it would have the same magic if it was my job... I am happy as a clam because I am planning a wedding with a joyful heart with the anticipation of marrying the most wonderful man in the world!

The thing is, for the past 5 years, I have said to myself and others, "I will have the most blissful engagement on earth." -- But one never knows how things will progress, and I had little control over the execution of this statement.


God is so good, and the man he has brought me is SO wonderful and absolutely perfect for me. We are completely different in so many ways, which means we compliment each other in so many ways.
My blessings outnumber the sands of the earth!

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