Monday, February 21, 2011

New Blog Design!

Welcome to the Mountain Miller blog -- a change from the Mountain Brooke. Technically, this blog re-design is a little premature as Chris and I are currently The Mountain Millers-To-Be, but the blog redesign is one more check off my To-Do list between now and June 25, so here it is.

I won this awesome blog redesign from the One Less Orphan One Less Broken Heart giveaway last November, and I asked if we could wait until 2011 to do the redesign. A HUGE thank you to Kim who is responsible for the great header, fonts, colors and layout! If you like the redesign, check out her website at her design website.

image signature


  1. sweet thanks dude - the linky to my site doesnt work though :)

    Congratulations again!

  2. ya sweet - now for your font problemo :)

  3. I like the change. And the text font of the comments kind of reminds me of your handwriting! :-D


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