Sunday, May 2, 2021

Preggers VI: 37 Weeks

 How far along?  

37 weeks, 4 days

 37 Weeks with Tracey

35 Weeks with the Twins because they were born at 36 weeks exactly, and I never took a last picture

37 Weeks with Lee Lee

37 Weeks with Hunter

How I am feeling? 
Well... tired, but can keep checking things off my list.  At the moment, I'm just incredibly glad it is the weekend.  This past week was incredibly full.  My parents arrived in town and they helped with the kids Monday-Thursday and Hubby watched the kids all day Friday... and I worked 9-10 hours a day every day outside the house.  I'm glad this next week will not be so chaotic.

How big is the baby?  
The size of a papaya -- 18.9 inches long, 6.17 pounds

Sleep is glorious.  I hope this is a wonderful sleep week.

Boy/Girl Predictions: 
I don't know, but I am getting incredibly excited to find out.  I can perfectly picture our family with either gender for our youngest little one -- a baby sister would be wonderful, and a baby brother would be perfect too.  I went ahead and purchased some things for our gender reveal this week (for both genders) so when we come home the hospital, we will be excited to have things ready to reveal to our children whether we had a boy or a girl.

Baby Nicknames:  

  Best moment this week
Friday evening I came home after a VERY long work week and Hubby had dinner ready, and it was so nice to have a family dinner with my Hubby and kiddos.  Also, after dinner the twins rubbed my feet and my shoulders.  After dinner, Tracey rubbed my feet.  That was wonderful!
Food cravings:  
Well... a mixture of Kix cereal and Fruity Pebbles.
Mobility.  This baby is running out of room in my belly.  It will be nice to have increased mobility once the baby arrives.
Yes, and I love the kicks.  That baby's feet are usually on my right side, and I can distinctively feel the little feet.  I am ready for the baby to be born, because I'm getting really uncomfortable, but I will never be ready to stop feeling baby kicks from the inside.  That is magical.

Labor Signs:  
Some contractions from time to time, but nothing implying the baby is on its way any time soon.

General Attitude:  
Just trying to be ready for the baby... but also patient because it still may be awhile.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  
Working from home, and then next weekend I have some more family coming to town and Mother's Day weekend.

I'm officially considered full term.

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