Saturday, October 10, 2020

Not For Granted

 Happy Birthday, Dad!

Welcome to another year of life, and thank you for taking such good care of yourself that you are around, and aware, and truly enjoying your golden years of life.

As a child, my dad was older than everyone else's dad.  The only exception to that was one cousin of mine who's dad was older than my dad... her dad also happened to be my dad's older brother.

EVERYONE'S dad was younger than mine but you would never know it by how involved my dad was in every childhood activity, sport, and club I participated in.

Now, 30-some years later, I have a not-small-number of friends who have buried their fathers.  It is not lost on me how fortunately I am that my father, who was older than theirs (sometimes by a few decades) is not only still living on earth, but living well, living abundantly, joyfully, fully, and happily.

I really hit the dad-jackpot, and I have no idea how I was so lucky.

Every time I stop to think about it, the only words I come up with are, "Thank you!"

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